Thursday, February 19, 2009

MMW @ LPR 2/18/09

It was another great show. The night before was definitely more special, but if you stand this one on it's own, it was great. There were no seats, which was a good thing and a bad thing. There was a lot of annoying chatter, even though the majority were listeners.

I thought a few of the songs in the 2nd set were similar to the night before.

I enjoyed it very much, in spite of the challenges. It was shorter than last night, the first set was 51 minutes and the 2nd was an hour and 6 (gotta love the tapers for keeping time easily). They encored with Crosstown Traffic, which was a great way to leave us.

I am continually impressed with these 3 and they each blew me away at various moments.

It was interesting that Billy told us at the end that their first gig ever was at The Village Gate. It would be cool if they could possibly attempt to recreate that some day. I wonder if there are any archives. They have each of their shows archived now, maybe then?

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