Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bush Tetras @ The Kitchen 4/15/11

They requested people unhinge themselves from their seats and many complied.  The performance space became a dance floor with lots of people dancing right in front of the band.  I had already chosen a seat in the top row of the stadium-type seating and it was a seat where no other seats were in front of it, just the aisle-way out.  I chose that so I could dance without being in anyone's way.  I decided to stay up there because I could see so well and had plenty of room.  It was fun.

People loved it.  You can see some of the videos out there to see if you want to go to the upcoming LPR show.  I must admit that Radio I-Ching and Medicine Men are much more my style.  The musicianship is on a higher level, there are no vocals and the music style is more my thing.  This was good music just not on the same level in my opinion.

It was still a fun night and I'm glad I finally got to see them.

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