Saturday, November 6, 2010

Angelica Sanchez/Chad Taylor/Greg Ward/ Sean Conly @ University of the Streets 10/30/10

This space a few blocks from my home has been around for over 40 years and I'm just realizing it exists.  They just started a curated series and it's a good thing.  It's a good space.  I think it seats about 75 people, but it doesn't feel wrong when only a few of us show up.  There are comfortable seats and a few tables in a semicircle around the room in 3 staggered levels, each level is up a step.  The performance area is on the floor.  It looks like you can see pretty well from just about any seat.  I chose the one in the center and then moved slightly to the left so I could see the drummer better (he was a little blocked by a music stand from the sax).

I enjoyed the set.  Angelica played piano and Chad Taylor was awesome on drums.  It's been a while since I've seen him.  Too long.  The set was about 45-50 minutes and very good and engaging.

Angelica Sanchez  piano
Chad Taylor  drums
Greg Ward  sax
Sean Conly  bass

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