Monday, March 16, 2009

11th anniversary of c.o.m.a @ abc no-rio 3/15/09

I finally made it to ABC No Rio for the Sun night COMA gig. This was a special anniversary festival evening. They do have regular avant-garde/experimental shows there almost every Sun.

Last night started at 6pm and probably went til 11ish. I was there about 8:30-10:30. It was pretty cool because each ensemble got about 10-15 minutes and then it was on to the next one. So, I got to check out quite a few new and different people I wasn't familiar with.

I like the space. Its just a big room with seats and some art exhibits. They would play at different ends of the room to keep it flowing, aiming for as little time as possible in between acts.

It worked pretty well, they seemed to only be a little behind the ambitious schedule when I left. They would simply ask everyone to turn their chairs around if the next act was at the other end of the room.

I walked in at the end of the piece with violin and something else.

I loved Paradigm Refrain. I need to find them for a full show at some point. That was the most electic I saw, but once they left there was no bass amp for anyone else's use.
It gets a little blury until the end, when I saw Shayna Dulberger and Bonnie Kane.
During the blur, I think it was a quartet with a sax and a couple of duos. I remember there was a schedule change and we had Ben Lee on guitar with Justin, a percussionist after the quartet with Blaise and a duo.

There was something that had me dancing more, and I loved it, but can't remember anything about it.

I guess that's what happens when I see a lot of great music in very short intervals. I kept thinking it was kind of like watching a bunch of short films.
The Upcoming C.O.M.A schedule for 2008: what is C.O.M.A.?????????????????? C.O.M.A. - citizens ontological music agenda - started March 1998 and has presented improvised music on Sunday evenings at ABC No-Rio 156 Rivington NYC . ABC No-Rio is near the Delancey J and F train station between Clinton St. and Suffolk St. ...the sets are 35-40 minutes followed with an open session at the end with various configurations of players. C.O.M.A. is an open series for all creative improvising musicians whether they're melancholy, slightly deranged, extremely moody, happy beyond comprehension, geniuses in their own minds, or just down right normal who want to experiment, develop their craft and expand the limits of the imagination.... there is a $5.00 suggested donation at the door for the musicians. This Sunday ....... March 15th 2009 from 6:00-11:00 PM The 11th anniversary of c.o.m.a @ abc no-rioThis will be an operational benefit for abc...lights..water...heat....The set lengths are from 10-20 minutes...alternating performance locations in the 1st fl gallery...front ... back... side ... corner...a good time for the audience...Donations will be actively pursued....suggested $5-10.00 ..... 6:05 Sean Meehan dr, David Watson pipes, 6:20 Tor Snyder gtr, 6:30 Jamie McLaughlin vx/p, Katt Hernandez vln, 6:45 Tom Zlabinger bs 6:55 Tom Shad bs gtr, Katie Down vx/misc 7:10 Francois Grillot bs 7:23 The Project: Michele Smith fl, Charles Ramsey gtr, Raymond Todd trb, Andy O'Neill dr, Tom Blatt bs 7:40 David Brahinsky trpt, 7:50 Mossa Bildner vx, 8:03 David Freeman, tabla & Blaise Siwula bs cl 8:15 Richard Keene reeds, Billy Stein gtr 8:30 SFLV –Clifton Hyde gtr, Robyn Siwula vln/vla, Motoko Shimizu vx/toys, 8:45 Paradigm Refrain: Marco Buccelli dr Nico Soffiato gtr Giacomo Merega bs 9:00 Blaise Siwula t sax, Sten Hostfalt gtr, Andy O’Neil dr, James Luke bs, 9:16 Paul Pinto vx, Claire de Brunner bassoon, Ken Silverman gtr 9:31 AND - David Powell , Nico U., Arturo Roldan, 9:45 Ben Lee gtr, 9:55 Lex Samu trpt, Will Woodward bs Enrique Haneine dr 10:05 Bonnie Kane reeds Shayna Dulberger bs, 10:15 Dave Miller dr, Dave Schnug sax and Trevor Lagrange bs 10:30 Ras Moshe reeds 10:40 Killer Bob- Dave Scanlon gtr, Max Jaffe dr, Rob Lundberg bs.

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