Monday, April 5, 2010

Improv Night Part 2 4/3/10

For the 2nd set we lost Nate but gained Jeremiah Cymerman and Jim Staley. They were joined in the first piece with the 3 altos: Zorn, Erlich and Rothenberg. Sometime in the middle of that piece, a musician friend of Zorn's walked up to him and asked if he could join in. He sat down at the drum kit and started playing intensely. It looked like it surprised the others because it stopped the action for a bit. Zorn annonced Mark Miller from LA. I got the feeling he was in NYC ages ago. They started up again and after a bit of semi-awkwardness it got great again. It was definitely much louder with the drummer than before.

Next was a great trombone/laptop duo. Staley and Morie are both tops.

Then it was Douggie Bowne on drums and Ned Rothenberg on alto. Brilliant!

3 clarinets (Ned, Marty, Jeremiah) and Ikue Morie were awesome! I never noticed the bottom piece of Marty's clarinet is a little different from the traditional. It's a subtle difference. He and Ned were hitting the bottom and Marty makes a bigger percussion sound when he does it. Hitting the bottom where the hole is.

It appears Dougie and Ikue are a good team and they did another duo piece, the last time being the first set.

The last piece before the grand finale was a great "out there" John Zorn/Jim Staley piece.

The grand finale was phenomenal. Ned and Marty played altos. It was really great.

After they were done, the crowd wasn't going anywhere. They kept clapping and we actually got an encore out of it. Jeremiah and Dougie still had some juice left and came up to give us a nice duo piece.

The crowd tried again after that, but that was it. It was awesome!

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