Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Undead Jazzfest @ PA, CS, and Cameo 6/26/11

I love Williamsburg and it was such an easy stretch.  There were 4 stages, which made it more challenging to see it all.  I only missed a little, though.

Public Assembly had 2 stages, which I will label PA1 and PA2.  PA1 was the stage by the front where you walk in.  Stage 2 was in the back in a separate room.  The sound did commingle sometimes between both stages.

Cubana Social (CS) is a good place!  It looks like they have live Latin music and very good food and drinks.  I didn't eat, but I want to get back there for an evening.

I really like Cameo, which is the performance room in the back of The Lovin Cup.

Bazingas was awesome at PA1!  I did have to whip out my earplugs because Ches Smith is a monster drummer.  It also includes Brian Drye on trombone, piano, synth, compositions, Jonathan Goldberger on guitar, baritone guitar, and Kirk Knuffke on cornet.

I then went down the hall to PA2 to check out Gene Lake.  I got the last bit of a song that sounded good.  Then he did some talking.  Next they were going to play a ballad.  I knew I would be remiss if I didn't catch some of Marika's set ...

I saw the very end of Marika Hughes set at CS.  She had her cello and Charlie Burnham had his violin.  I'm not sure who else was in it.

I then went back for a little more Gene Lake.  It was good - there was something about the organ I wasn't crazy about.  I'm very particular with organ - there's a lot I don't like.

I was also worried about missing the duo with Mike Pride (dums) and Jon Irabagon (sax) at Cameo.  Good move!  It was fantastic!  I need to see Mike Pride more.  I never realized he looks a little like David King.

Back to CS for Graffito w/ special guest Andrew d'Angelo.  I was happy to see Marco Cappelli is in it.  I also recognized some faces from the blown away phenomenal Andrew d'Angelo Big Band set last Thurs.  I also had a delicious Social Mohito.  They put ginger in it and it's awesome.  Graffito is an awesome string ensemble.  Add Andrew's sax and it gets even better.

I'm a little fuzzy on the order I saw the next 3 bands.  It went something like this:

Ches Smith's Congs for Brums at Cameo.  I think this solo percussion project has evolved since I saw it last.  It's phenomenal no matter how he wants to do it.  He didn't have the vibraphone, but he had a sound machine with pre-recorded music to play with.  It was great!

The Oliver Lake Organ Quartet at PA1 was off the hook!  That certainly wasn't too much organ!  Oliver is phenomenal.

I did skip The Claudia Quintet earlier at PA1.  I love them, but I've also seen them a bunch of times.  Like I said, with 4 stages it's a little harder to get to everything.

There was no missing the Bobby Previte Quartet.  They were late coming on, which helped me see Oliver.  Just watching Bobby on the kit is such a treat!  He's amazing.  I love seeing Mike Gamble on guitar.  Darius Jones always brings a lot to a project with his alto sax.  This was my first time seeing Ari Folman-Cohen.  He played upright acoustic bass and this little electric bass.  He's really good.  This quartet is awesome and I need a whole super long set of it.

I missed Eric Freidlander at CS.  I assume it was a solo set and I know that whatever it was, it was excellent.

Josh Roseman's Joshua Three at PA1 was great.  His trombone was the only horn on stage.  He had Curtis Hasselbring, usually a trombone player, on guitar.  He's good.  Peter Apfelbaum was on the keyboard.  Eric Deutch on organ.  The great Joe Russo on drums.  In other words, a great band.

The last band for me was the outstanding UB313 at Cameo.  Marshall Allen rules!

I missed everything after that:  Ari Hoenig Quartet at PA1, Rashanim at CS, Clark Gayton at PA2, Peter Brotzmann's FULL BLAST at PA1, and Aperiodic at Cameo. 

Bravo on the festival!  It was quite spectacular!  I've only seen a handful of the bands before, so most of it was new, new, new!  Great job!

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